{"id":90,"date":"2019-11-22T08:25:42","date_gmt":"2019-11-22T08:25:42","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/fki.unk.mybluehost.me\/simon?page_id=90"},"modified":"2023-11-15T18:04:43","modified_gmt":"2023-11-15T18:04:43","slug":"about-abogado-simon","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/www.saharmaleklaw.com\/about-abogado-simon\/","title":{"rendered":"About Us"},"content":{"rendered":"

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About Sahar Malek Law<\/p>\n

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Sahar Malek Law, APC<\/h2>\n

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Sahar Malek Law is a law firm built on the philosophy that personal attention and communication are the keys to a successful attorney-client relationship. Founding attorney Sahar Malek believes that every client deserves individualized legal guidance that works for their unique situation.<\/p>\n

While gaining experience at other law firms, Ms. Malek realized that many clients feel they are treated with a lack of personal attention. In founding Sahar Malek Law, she set out to change that. Ms. Malek has built her practice on the idea that every client deserves to feel comfortable, respected, and validated. This is a guiding principle that has been successful for Ms. Malek and her team.<\/p>\n

Legal matters are difficult and often overwhelming for clients, but Sahar Malek Law aims to help clients feel confident that they will obtain resolution. When clients work with Sahar Malek Law, they are working with a team that prides itself on aggressive strategies and effective legal guidance. As a seasoned trial attorney, Ms. Malek is not afraid to take your case to court. Whether the issue is an auto accident claim involving another individual, or a product liability claim against a massive corporation Sahar Malek Law can help.<\/p>\n

Sahar Malek Law understands and supports the diverse community in Southern California. We are proud to offer legal guidance in English, Farsi, and Spanish. From our Beverly Hills office, we represent clients throughout the state of California.<\/p>\n

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About Sahar Malek, Esq. <\/h2>\n

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After her family immigrated to the United States in 1988, Sahar Malek was raised in Beverly Hills, California. Here, she developed a passion for helping those in her community. She graduated from Beverly Hills High School in 2001. She then attended California State University Northridge, where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature. From there, Ms. Malek attended Whittier College School of Law, where she graduated in 2011 with her Juris Doctorate degree. <\/p>\n

As she obtained her education, Ms. Malek remained dedicated to helping her future clients. In law school, she was the President of the Iranian Law Student Association and the Middle Eastern Law Student Association. She was also an officer in various organizations. From 2010 to 2011, Ms. Malek served as a research assistant to Professor Thomas Kelch, conducting research for the Animal Legal Defense Fund. <\/p>\n

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While she was in law school, Ms. Malek worked as an intern for Kazerouni Law Group, APC, where she gained valuable experience in personal injury and consumer protection matters. She later worked for the Law Offices of Howard D. Silver, where she gained further experience in consumer protection rights and relevant laws. Here, she represented clients against major manufacturers including Ford, Nissan, Volkswagen, BMW, Audi, and Mercedes-Benz.<\/p>\n

In addition to her experience as a successful litigator, Ms. Malek has also earned certificates in mediation. She has mediation certificates from Orange County Human Relations, an organization that collaborates with the Center for Civic Mediation and the Orange County Superior Court system.<\/p>\n

When she is not fighting for justice for her clients, Ms. Malek enjoys an active lifestyle. She is trained in martial arts and enjoys boxing and weight lifting. She also enjoys the outdoors, cooking, reading, traveling, and spending time with her loved ones. Her guilty pleasures are French fries and Bravo reality television shows.<\/span><\/p>\n